Friday, April 18, 2008

Craft Magazine

I am in love with Craft magazine right now. I get so excited when it comes in the mail and see the plastic wrapped goodness. It is seriously amazing and if you don't have a subscription it is well worth the money. I remember when I read on about the first issue coming out it sounded so good.....but I couldn't afford it at the time. I told a co-worker about it and she subscribed and brought an issue for me to look at....after that I had to have it! It is the only magazine that I get and I think that shows it's worthiness (not because I'm anti-magazine...believe me I would love readymade, nest, oxford american etc. but I don't have a lot of extra money to spend on those) if you're going to spend the money spend it on Craft magazine.

Get your subscription at
I hope my next issue is on it's way!

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