Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Countdown is on...

So I've definitely been really busy lately trying to tie up all the loose ends for the show. It will be here so soon! And....we're going away to the beach next week so I really have to plan what I can work on there and what I have to do when I get back. We are planning to set up a mock version of the booth the weekend that we get back from vacation to test flow, etc. I got my booth assignment and I am booth #83 which is on a corner, so it should be nice! I made the banner tonight and I thought it turned out pretty cute for my low-budget version. We are just going to add grommets and sew up the bottom. I spent last Sunday sewing whales on the machine, since that was something I can't do at the beach......the final count was 12. Pretty good for half a day of work! I used all my polyfill on them (8 bags!) so I have to make a craft run to get more before the beach. Still on my list of things to make are: more robots, assemble cacti, toast+poop keychains, grab bags....and I'm sure there is lots more.

I can't wait for's going to be wonderful!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Octopi, Oh My....

I altered my octopus pattern a bit this weekend and started making the tentacles a bit shorter, and the head more bulbous. I think I like the way they turned out. Very cutesy, less creepy (but I do like mild creepiness)! I think these are really cute for kids since the safety eyes are in there good. With the prompting of Jeff, I started making more robots. This one turned out really well, but the robots seem to take a lot out of me as far as all the different parts I have to sew together. They are definitely one of those things that I need a break from after making one. We also bit the bullet and purchased a faux e-z up 10' X10' tent today for I.C.E.. We thought we knew someone that had one to borrow, but that fell through, so I looked into renting one. It was at least $75 to rent and we bought this one brand new for $82. It was between a blue and khaki roof color, and we went for the khaki since I was worried about a possible blue tint happening inside the tent. I need to start working on my banner as well. I bought a canvas drop cloth to use and I want to use cut out, mismatched, fabric letters on it with a possible painted on faux wood grain. Jeff has also promised to help on this project after he is done with all his fun coloring!

Where do the weekends go? There is just not enough time for all I want to make and do! Oh, and the countdown is on til our Jekyll Island vacation!!!

10 days and counting.....

Friday, May 9, 2008

Whales and such...

I'm still trucking along with all the makings for the craft fair. This week was a bit slow as far as my productivity...I'm going to have to catch up this weekend with some double-time crafting! My husband and I spend most nights this week making these tags that are for the 'swag bags' at I.C.E. (The first 500 attendees get a cute bag filled with all kinds of goodies and such!) I did most of the cutting and punching and Jeff did the majority of the coloring. I think he really enjoyed it and by the end of these he was wanting new critters to color! He was even coloring when I came home from work today!

I also whipped up a couple of fabric, machine-sewn whales last night. I think they look pretty's also a good way for me to use up some of my fabric stash. A lot of the fabrics I'm using for these are vintage or thrifted (and washed of course) and the Ikea fabric was used at my wedding last year. I bought many yards of it and I've made quite a bit of things from it. My favorite is a giant tote (overnight) bag that has a wine stain ring on it. It reminds me of how fun that night was and how hard Jeff and I worked to do it all ourselves! Here are a few pictures from our wedding since it is almost our 1 year anniversary (but 7th year together!!)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Busy Busy Bee...

Things have been a bit hectic around here for the last few days. I took a break from some of my craft time this weekend to help my husband with yard work and planting our veggie container garden. In the meantime, I did finish all these little bird pins which means I think I am done making all my smalls and can move on to bigs (robots!). I did manage to squeeze in making this new bird too!