Monday, June 16, 2008


Well, I am finally winding down from all the hype and excitement of the ICE show. I took a creative break from sewing and have been focusing my time on reading about small businesses and the like. Not really my idea of fun, but necessary nonetheless! Jeff has been a huge part of helping me with fattycakes, especially the more business-y aspects.

So in the meantime, here are other things I'm excited about!

Our mini-garden! We have corn, squash, watermelon, tomatoes of all varieties, bell peppers, poblanos, serranos, herbs, and zinnias! When I got home from work today Jeff had left me this little grape tomato and then as I was watering I spotted this squash that was ready! There really is nothing like growing something for yourself! We mostly planted our tomatoes and peppers in big pots since we rent and cannot do a full on tillin' of the back yard. They are doing great and have gotten huge already! I know Jeff can't wait to harvest a bunch of tomatoes for a rustic tomato pasta sauce (and I can't wait either....sounds yummy!)

And Pizmo! Pizmo-dog turned 5 this past May and she is just about the best dog ever. She is full of quirks and eccentricities! Loves to crawl around the back yard using only her front two feet to propel her and dragging her belly the whole way. She makes us laugh everyday.

Okay, so on my plate for this week is to start making some fun critters again! I have a pretty full week at work too... and I'm working on some top-secret excitement that I don't want to say yet for fear of a jinx!

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